Mecha Solutions

Achieve the next level of Automation.

We help customers achieve a new level of engineering excellence
by offering a range of innovative products, services, and solutions
in Automation, Robotics and Software for several applications


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Mecha is the End-To-End Services Provider that your Company is looking for.

Industrial Automation & Smart Factory

Engineering smart factory floor systems, including electrical & mechanical design and build; PLC, SCADA, MES, and robotic programming.

Test & measurement Automation

Automated workflows, integrated systems for existing lines, precise measurements and critical testing procedures.

Digital Workspace​

Custom Application Development for several devices.

Embedded Development & Programming​

Programming and circuit design for product development and embedded systems.

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Providing the most complete automation solutions since 2020​

From PLC programming to motion control applications, we deliver precision, efficiency, and innovation. Explore the synergy of our solutions, driving excellence in industrial automation.

Customers that trust us

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